Yield Farming 2.0: Next-Gen Strategies for Liquidity Providers
August 24, 2023
Unvest blog


The term "Yield Farming" has become synonymous with earning rewards in the DeFi space. As yield farming matures, innovations are setting the stage for its next evolution. This article peels back the curtain on Yield Farming 2.0, exploring emerging strategies that are shaping the future of liquidity provision.

Traditional Yield Farming: A Brief Refresher

Yield farming initially centered around providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and earning a cut of the transaction fees, coupled with potential token rewards. Liquidity providers (LPs) would stake their assets into smart contract-based pools, earning returns for their service.

Enter Yield Farming 2.0: What's Changing?

  1. Dynamic Yield Optimization: Algorithms that dynamically shift funds between various protocols to achieve optimal yields.
  2. Liquidity Bootstrapping: New token projects offer lucrative yield farming opportunities to attract initial liquidity.
  3. Multi-strategy Vaults: Platforms that combine multiple yield farming strategies, auto-compounding rewards, and optimizing gas costs.
  4. Capital Efficiency: Leveraging borrowed funds to maximize yield, often termed as leveraged yield farming.
  5. Risk-adjusted Strategies: Sophisticated models that weigh potential returns against associated risks, ensuring more informed farming.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: For Projects

  1. Interoperability: Yield farming strategies that work seamlessly across various chains will have an edge.
  2. Educate Users: As strategies become more complex, projects need to ensure that their community understands the potential risks and rewards.
  3. Prioritize Security: As funds get shifted dynamically, ensuring that contracts are robust becomes crucial. Regular audits and monitoring are a must.
  4. Responsive Algorithms: Algorithms need to adapt in real-time to market conditions, ensuring consistent returns.

Challenges in Yield Farming 2.0

  1. Increased Complexity: Multi-faceted strategies can be challenging for average users to comprehend.
  2. Smart Contract Risks: The more complex the strategy, the higher the potential for unseen vulnerabilities.
  3. Impermanent Loss: As with traditional yield farming, LPs need to remain vigilant about potential impermanent losses.


Yield Farming 2.0 isn't just a buzzword; it represents the iterative evolution of one of DeFi's most popular mechanisms. By embracing innovation, prioritizing security, and ensuring community education, projects can position themselves at the forefront of this exciting frontier.