Value Capture in DeFi: Beyond Transaction Fees and Token Burns
August 25, 2023
Unvest blog


The DeFi landscape has matured exponentially in recent years, and with this maturity comes an increasing need for effective value capture mechanisms. While transaction fees and token burns have been the traditional means, a new wave of innovative strategies is being explored. This article examines the depth of sustainable value capture mechanisms within decentralized finance.

Understanding Value Capture

Value capture refers to the mechanism through which a protocol or platform retains value, ensuring its sustainability, growth, and long-term viability. For DeFi protocols, this means securing a portion of the value transacted or managed on the platform.

Traditional Value Capture Mechanisms

While effective to a degree, these mechanisms alone might not ensure the long-term sustainability of a DeFi project.

Emerging Value Capture Mechanisms in DeFi

  1. Protocol-Owned Liquidity: Instead of relying on external liquidity providers, protocols retain a portion of the generated liquidity, ensuring long-term alignment with user interests.
  2. Tiered Service Offerings: Offering a range of services, from basic to premium, with the premium features driving revenue.
  3. Staking and Governance Incentives: Users stake tokens to participate in governance, and the protocol benefits from the staked liquidity.
  4. Subscription Models: Continuous revenue through subscription-based access to specific features or tools.
  5. Treasury Management: Efficiently managing treasury funds to generate yield, which can be reinvested into the protocol.

Balancing User Interests and Value Capture

It's vital to strike a balance to ensure user interests aren't compromised. Overly aggressive value capture can deter users, while a lenient approach might not sustain a project in the long run.

Case Studies: DeFi Innovators in Value Capture

The Road Ahead: Continuous Innovation in Value Capture

The DeFi ecosystem remains in a state of flux, with continuous innovations emerging. To remain competitive and sustainable, projects must stay adaptable and be ready to iterate on their value capture strategies.


Value capture is the backbone of any DeFi project's sustainability. While traditional methods hold their merits, the dynamic nature of DeFi calls for diverse and innovative strategies. By understanding and implementing a blend of these mechanisms, DeFi projects can pave the way for long-term success and resilience.