Unvest: Revolutionizing DeFi One Feature at a Time
July 30, 2023
Unvest blog


Ever wondered why Unvest is making waves in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space? Invest the next few minutes reading this post – it might just be the best investment you make this year!

The Powerhouse of Features

Unvest isn't merely a platform; it's a veritable powerhouse of features designed to bring unprecedented dynamism to the DeFi space. Today, we focus on two of our key features: Vesting and Illiquid Market. Each of these plays a crucial role in setting Unvest apart as a trailblazer in DeFi.

Vesting: Securing Your Token's Future

Managing tokens involves securing them for future use. Unvest allows you to lock a portion of your token supply for investors, team members, or reserves and distribute them automatically to hundreds, or even thousands of addresses.

VestingTokens are ERC20 tokens that represent a claim to your project's native tokens, which remain locked until the vesting period ends. While these tokens can be transferred, they have a different ERC20 address from the native tokens and aren't usable on exchanges like Uniswap or other applications. To unlock the underlying tokens, users must burn their vestingTokens as per the vesting schedule.

Using vestingTokens to distribute both locked and unlocked tokens optimizes gas efficiency, saving your hard-earned crypto on high-cost networks like Ethereum. It's all about smart design and smarter savings.

Token dashboard

Illiquid Market: Trading Made Smarter

What if users could trade their locked tokens? Welcome to Illiquid.market, our very own Over-The-Counter (OTC) market designed specifically for trading locked tokens.

Illiquid.market is more than just an OTC market. It's an innovatively designed platform with an OTC order book, the ability to place private orders, and a groundbreaking system that allows multiple small buyers to fill a big sell order. Changing the game, one feature at a time!


We've just scratched the surface of what Unvest and Illiquid.market have to offer. With powerful features like vesting and a dedicated OTC market, we're pushing the boundaries of DeFi.

Are you ready to unlock a whole new level of token management and trading? Join us on this exciting journey as we reshape the DeFi landscape together. Stay tuned for more insights and features from Unvest. Until next time!