Unlocking the Magic of Unvest's Liquidity Locks
August 9, 2023
Unvest blog

Ever heard about the phenomenon of "rug-pulling" in the crypto world? It's a real trust-breaker! That's where Unvest's Liquidity Locks come into play.

Understanding Liquidity Locks

Liquidity locks act as a digital safe, ensuring that tokens in a liquidity pool remain untouched for a set period. The primary aim? To foster trust in markets, ensuring stakeholders that tokens won't just disappear overnight. Unvest ups the game by offering a zero-fee solution, granting you the power to create multiple locks, with both full and partial unlocking options. And guess what? All your locks are flaunted publicly on the Investor Dashboard, adding that extra layer of transparency and confidence.

Simple vs. Advanced Locks

With Unvest, you can opt for a simple liquidity lock with a clear unlock date. But if you're feeling a tad more adventurous, our advanced mode lets you craft intricate unlock schedules with cliff periods, milestones, and more. No more one-size-fits-all; tailor it to fit your project's unique needs.

Custom Schedule

Distributing the Lock Power

Go a step further with our Distributed Lock feature. Instead of one gigantic lock held in a single wallet, spread the love (and security)! Share the locks among team members, multisigs, community cohorts, or investors. It's all about shared ownership and risk distribution.

Distribute lock

Team-Up with liquidLock Tokens

Dive deeper into the liquidity pool with liquidLock tokens. Acting as a wrapper for your LP tokens, these ERC20 gems keep your liquidity snug until the vesting date. Want to trade them? Go right ahead! But remember, you can't tap into the actual liquidity until the agreed time.

A Little FAQ Love


In the dynamic world of crypto, Unvest's Liquidity Locks offer a stabilizing anchor. So, if you're aiming for market trust and robust liquidity management, you know where to look. Dive into the future with Unvest and redefine the way you lock liquidity.