Token Distribution Mechanisms: Fair Launches vs. Presales
August 25, 2023
Unvest blog


Token distribution is a crucial phase in the lifecycle of a crypto project. The mechanism chosen can set the tone for community sentiment, token economics, and the project's overall trajectory. This article juxtaposes two popular token distribution methods: Fair Launches and Presales, shedding light on their advantages, challenges, and best-use scenarios.

Understanding the Methods

Pros and Cons: Fair Launch



Pros and Cons: Presale




Factors Influencing the Choice

  1. Project Maturity: Established projects might opt for presales due to an existing reputation, while new projects might choose fair launches to build trust.
  2. Capital Needs: Immediate development costs might necessitate a presale.
  3. Community Sentiment: The crypto community often values fairness and decentralization.
  4. Regulatory Landscape: Presales might come under regulatory scrutiny in some jurisdictions.

Strategies for Success


Whether opting for a fair launch or a presale, the primary focus should be on the project's long-term health, investor trust, and sustainable growth. The right strategy, combined with tools like Unvest, can ensure optimal outcomes for both the project and its community.