Strategic Token Burns: When and Why?
August 24, 2023
Unvest blog


Token burns have become a pivotal mechanism in the cryptocurrency space, often serving as a tool to manage token supply and drive intrinsic value. But when should a project burn its tokens, and what benefits does this action confer? This article delves deep into the strategic importance of token burns.

Understanding Token Burns

At its core, a token burn involves the intentional removal of a certain quantity of tokens from the circulating supply. This is usually achieved by sending these tokens to an irretrievable or 'dead' address.

Reasons to Implement Token Burns

  1. Supply Management: Control the circulating supply, thereby reducing inflationary pressures on the token.
  2. Value Proposition: By reducing the supply, demand could potentially increase, potentially driving up the token's price.
  3. Redistribute Resources: Projects can repurpose tokens earmarked for certain utilities or rewards if they remain unused.
  4. Renewed Investor Confidence: Token burns can signal a project's commitment to its roadmap and the long-term value of its token.

Strategic Considerations for Token Burns

  1. Frequency: Decide whether the burns will be periodic (quarterly, annually) or event-driven (e.g., after achieving a milestone).
  2. Quantity: Determine how many tokens to burn - a fixed amount or a percentage of the total supply or transaction fees.
  3. Transparency: Always keep the community informed. Provide clear communication before and after the burn with relevant transaction proofs.

Real-World Examples of Token Burns

  1. Binance (BNB): Regular quarterly burns based on trading volumes, reinforcing the value proposition of BNB.
  2. Ripple (XRP): Tokens are burned as transaction fees, ensuring the network remains lean.

Risks and Criticisms

  1. Short-term Price Manipulation: Critics argue that some projects might use token burns solely as a tactic to pump prices in the short term.
  2. Resource Wastage: Tokens that are burned could have been used for other valuable purposes, like community rewards or project development.


While token burns can be a potent tool in a project's arsenal, they need to be executed strategically. Token burns should always align with the project's broader goals and values, ensuring that they genuinely benefit the project and its community.