Layer 1 vs Layer 2 Solutions: Navigating Scalability in DeFi
August 23, 2023
Unvest blog


The DeFi world is buzzing with activity, but with increased adoption comes the perennial challenge of scalability. As projects seek to manage growing user bases and transaction volumes, the debate between Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions takes center stage. This guide breaks down the intricacies of both layers, helping project founders navigate the scalability conundrum.

Understanding the Layers

Layer 1 Advantages and Challenges

Data Insight: Ethereum, a leading Layer 1 solution, often faces congestion, with gas fees sometimes reaching unsustainable levels.


Layer 2 Advantages and Challenges

Data Insight: zkRollups, a Layer 2 solution, can process up to 2,000 TPS, making them a prime choice for scalability in DeFi projects.

Choosing the Right Approach for Your Project

  1. Assess Your Needs: A smaller project might function perfectly on Layer 1, while a global payment platform might require Layer 2 solutions.
  2. Future-Proofing: Think about the future. Even if Layer 1 suffices now, anticipate growth and the potential need for Layer 2.
  3. Community & Developer Ecosystem: Platforms with strong communities often have better tooling, support, and resources.
  4. Interoperability: Consider how your solution interacts with others in the ecosystem, especially if you're targeting cross-chain operations.


Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions both offer unique benefits and challenges. By understanding these intricacies, project founders can make informed decisions, ensuring scalability while maintaining security and user-friendliness. The DeFi landscape is rapidly evolving, and making the right scalability choices today can pave the way for success tomorrow.