Deep Dive into Rebasing Mechanisms: Pros, Cons, and Implementation
August 23, 2023
Unvest blog


Rebasing, often dubbed "elastic supply", has surfaced as an innovative tokenomics mechanism in the crypto space. Designed to adjust a token’s circulating supply to achieve a target price, it has been lauded for its potential but also criticized for its complexities. This article delves deep into the intricacies of rebasing, its advantages, potential pitfalls, and how to weave it seamlessly into a project.

Understanding Rebasing

Rebasing aims to stabilize the price of a token by automatically adjusting its circulating supply based on specific conditions, typically deviations from a peg or target price. This mechanism does not affect the overall market capitalization but adjusts everyone's token holdings proportionally.

The Advantages of Rebasing

  1. Price Stability: It offers a level of price predictability, which can attract more conservative investors.
  2. Innovative Utility: Rebasing can be a unique selling point, distinguishing a token from the multitude in the market.
  3. Dynamic Supply Management: Helps in avoiding extreme price volatility by dynamically adapting to market conditions.

The Pitfalls of Rebasing

  1. Complexity for Users: The constant change in token balances can be confusing for many users.
  2. Potential for Exploitation: If not implemented correctly, rebasing can be gamed, leading to unintended consequences.
  3. Market Perception: Volatile token numbers might be perceived negatively, especially by newcomers to the crypto space.

Implementing Rebasing in Your Project

  1. Clear Communication: Due to its complexity, it’s essential to educate your community on how rebasing works and its implications.
  2. Robust Technical Implementation: Ensure that the smart contract managing the rebase is secure and resistant to exploits. Consider partnering with platforms or services that specialize in advanced tokenomics solutions.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Keep a close eye on how the rebasing is affecting token price and user sentiment. Adjust parameters as needed.
  4. Transparency: Always be transparent about when rebases will occur and the factors triggering them.


While rebasing presents an innovative approach to tokenomics, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Project founders must weigh its pros and cons and consider whether its complexities align with their project's goals and their community's preferences. With clear communication, robust technical implementation, and continuous monitoring, rebasing can be an asset to a project's tokenomics.