Crypto Project Dashboards: A Necessity in Modern DeFi Projects
August 20, 2023
Unvest blog


The explosive growth of DeFi projects has brought with it a need for advanced management tools. At the forefront of this movement are crypto project dashboards, becoming indispensable tools for both teams and investors. But what makes them so crucial? Let's delve into the multifaceted advantages of these dashboards in ensuring transparency and fostering trust.

The Essence of Crypto Dashboards

  1. Unified Platform: A one-stop location to monitor, manage, and make decisions related to a project.
  2. Real-time Analytics: Instantaneous data, from liquidity pool metrics to staking distributions, offering insights for immediate action.
  3. Interactivity: A two-way communication tool between projects and their stakeholders.

Data Point: Surveys have indicated that around 78% of investors claim transparency as a key deciding factor when choosing a DeFi project to invest in.

Why Dashboards are a Must-Have

  1. Transparency: Investors can monitor token allocations, staking rewards, liquidity locks, and more, reducing anxieties and building trust.
  2. Efficiency: For project teams, dashboards simplify the management of numerous operations, from multisender tasks to token vesting schedules.
  3. Decision-making: Real-time data aids in making informed, strategic decisions, allowing projects to pivot when necessary.
  4. Engagement: Engaging UI/UX keeps both investors and teams actively involved, ensuring they're always in the loop.

Unvest’s Seamless Dashboard Experience

With Unvest, projects get:

The Future of DeFi Dashboards

As DeFi evolves, dashboards will likely incorporate more sophisticated tools, such as AI-driven insights, predictive analytics, and integration with multiple chains. Being proactive in embracing these trends will be key for DeFi projects to stay ahead of the curve.


In the rapidly evolving world of DeFi, transparency isn't just an asset; it's a necessity. Crypto project dashboards have emerged as pivotal tools, bridging the gap between projects and stakeholders. By providing a clear, instantaneous, and engaging view of a project's metrics, they've become an indispensable part of the modern DeFi landscape.

Invest in transparency, efficiency, and engagement. Recognize the unmatched potential of crypto dashboards in today's DeFi ecosystem.